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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Obama on the Campaign Trail!

"Obama's Debt-End Tour"

This latest White House PR stunt shows why elections matter, and why we must defeat Barack Obama in 2012 so that his Debt-End Bus-Tour presidency doesn’t steer the country further off course.  But Republicans have raised suspicions about the tour's political overtones, since Obama will be traveling to key swing states he needs to win in his 2012 reelection campaign. Moreover, his time in Iowa follows a heavy GOP presence this weekend by Republican presidential candidates, who flooded the state in hopes of winning the straw poll in Ames.and the chairman of the Minnesota GOP are slated to hold a conference call with reporters to decry "Obama's taxpayer-funded bus tour."

Who paid for the buses and the fuel etc for this campaign trip? (sleek and black, with dark-tinted windows -- that cost $1.1 million) Then we have to add in gas for the stupid thing. Oh forgot hotels, security, Airforce One, food, anything else? I'm pretty sure that we did. The nation's broke and we're paying for a presidential campaign trip, that is before we pay for another vacation.

Add Donald Trump to the list of people that seem to have doubts about President Obama’s national tour.  Trump argued that the President takes “more vacations than any human being I’ve ever seen” and that his “fund-raising tour” should not fall into the hands of taxpayers, citing a lack of leadership on his part.

For all his talk of getting Americans back to work, President Obama has yet to get to work himself. Every day that he spends at a fund-raiser, on Martha’s Vineyard or paying lip service to our nation’s problems is another day that the unemployed continue to hunger for competent leadership from this president.

"He is very happily getting out into the country again after a very sustained period here in Washington and he looks forward to talking to folks about growing the economy, creating jobs," said White House Press Secretary Jay Carney. "We will have more details, as I said, about the specifics of the trip."

"Carney indicated he did not know now precisely where the president would go or what he might be announcing.

CNSNews.com asked Carney, “Is that a campaign event or a presidential event?

Carney answered, “Negative. That is an official event.”

CNSNews.com followed, “So it is being funded by taxpayers in battleground states?”

Carney responded, “He’s the president of the United States.”

Another reporter followed up about whether there was a political nature to the trip.

“The air of cynicism is quite thick,” Carney shot back. “The idea that the president of the United States should not venture forth into the country is ridiculous.”

The reporter said, “I didn’t say that.”

Carney said, “No, but you implied it in your question. It is absolutely important for the president – whoever that person is, in the past or in the future – to get out and hear from people in different communities."

So do "We The People" believe that this a jobs tour or a campaign tour?

I, for one, feel that Obama's changy thingy is enough. In 2012, we have to make sure we tell him that we don't want anymore of his changes!


  1. He's using our money instead of campaign funds because he thinks we're stupid and that he can get away with it. the vote in 2012 will hopefully send a message to all politicians.

  2. I think most of our politicians have done enough, or not done enough!, to rant over! Obama is no exception. :)
